Versatile spectrometer with high resolution & efficiency
With the development of EUV lithography using radiation at 13.5 nanometer for semiconductor manufacturing, extreme ultraviolet radiation (EUV, XUV) has become a major industrial significance. This leads to a demand for high-resolution and sensitive diagnostics and measurement technology. As a result, we build a modular XUV / EUV and soft X-ray spectrometer that can be used in plasma spectroscopy, source diagnostics and metrology. It is particularly suitable for laser plasma sources (LPS) and high harmonic sources (high harmonic generation, HHG).
This spectrometer has a flexible design and can be adapted to several applications. A very high spectral resolution can be obtained for a wide range of geometries. Typically, the resolution is only limited by the pixel size of the detector systems (13.5 µm for XUV CCDs). All parts of the spectrometer are UHV-rated.

Broadband high spectral resolution
Common spectrometers are optimized for a certain resolution at one wavelength. In comparison to that, our specialized design enables a high resolution in a broad bandwidth. For example, our XUV spectrometer reaches a high resolution of <0.08 nm within the entire bandwith of 12-41 nm (peer review article). In principle, we are able to offer many customizations in the spectral range from 2 to 100 nm. In addition, an ultra-high resolution of up to λ/Δλ > 10000 is available.
Operation modes & usability
Our flexible spectrographs provide several operation modes, which can be changed during operation.
By using multi-axis motorized stages with travel ranges of several centimeters, the user is easily able to align the device. Furthermore, different optics can be placed online into the beam path to measure different beam properties. The spectrometer features the following operating modes: (1) XUV beam inspection, (2) angular-resolved spectroscopy, and (3) imaging spectroscopy with high efficiency and spectral resolution.
In the figure on the right side measured results of angular-resolved spectroscopy (a,b) and imaging spectroscopy (c,d) are shown.
We offer
- a premium product
- fully customization for your application
- a spectral range of 2-100 nm
- a very high resolution power up to λ/Δλ > 10000
- a versatile setup: motorized stages & adaptable flanges
- a light-tight setup: light shielding can be integrated
- a ultra high vacuum (UHV, < 10-9 mbar) conditions
- online operation modes & aligment & beam inspection
- a slit and slit-free setup
- an excellent signal to noise ratio (SNR) and maximum light collection efficiency