Polarimeter for broadband deep UV (DUV) & EUV / XUV light

Polarimetry in the deep ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet range has scientific applications. We offer polarimeter systems which provide extinction ratios of perpendicularly oriented polarization directions of several hundreds. The polarimeters are customized to match the needs of your application. The polarimeter system has a compact design and is fully UHV-rated.


Typical applications ranges from polarimetry of broadband EUV radiation sources like high harmonics from femtosecond IR laser pulses (HHG) or from laser-plasma EUV-sources, EUV ellipsometry, or the investigation of birefringent magnetic nano-structures. The polarimeter can be used as an polarizer and analyzer.

Key facts

  • polarimetry for deep UV, EUV, and soft x-ray wavelengths
  • high extinction over broad bandwidth
  • customized design for your application
  • multiple channel design
  • vacuum-compatible (UHV-rated)
  • Compact footprint
  • adjustable mirrors for beam steering